

"To travel hopefully is a better thing than to arrive" 

Robert Louis Stevenson
Our investigation began with the analysis of Lincoln's Railway and its history. The broad context of what was happening in Lincoln such as social and economic factors were considered and links were made to how this affected the railway.

Closing in our attention to specific issues with Lincoln, the level crossing was highlighted, its presence acting as a barrier to the rest of the city. This lead onto the notion that the railway network is Suspending Time and an investigation was conducted to see what was happening within this time. Furthering this study we used the idea of 'Lost in Transit' to explain how people became the same value as the luggage. The railway system having full control over time, and actions of the people. Other investigations on the experience of the actual train journey were carried out in this section.

Nature Reclaiming the Railway  and Capsule of Time ans Space ran parellel with the investigations above and looked specifically at the abandonned tracks. A thorough analysis of an area allowed detailed studies showing how the dacay of the railway was allowing nature to reclaim the area.

A Deconstruction of the Railway was undertaken to look into even more detail at how the network is utilised.

Our Conclusions bring all these different studies together which enables us to have a full understanding of what is happening, from the broad issues of historical context, to the very narrow deconstruction of the railway.